She did not like standing like the other babies her age. It was a small thing but it bothered me. Why did she resist standing? I mentioned it to other Moms. I mentioned it to my pediatrician. My concerns were dismissed. And still, when I lifted her up to stand in my lap, she always immediately sat down. I called my Mom.
Me: She doesn’t like to stand. I am worried.
Mom: I have been worried too.
Me: Why didn’t you say anything?
Mom: I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I decided to wait until you brought it up.
When I hung up the phone, I thought about the many parents that I had worked with and wondered about when they first had concerns, when they first voiced their concerns and how those concerns were received. What did they notice? Were they supported or dismissed? I have since reflected on how hard it was to say my concerns aloud. And, how even with my experience and background, I didn’t have the confidence to push the issue until my Mom validated me.